
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is now at Majestic Youth Sports Center



Martial Arts Coach

Majestic Youth Sports Center now has Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes, a great place for kids to get active, build self-confidence, and learn important life skills. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches discipline, respect, and focus, and can help kids develop a growth mindset and improve their physical fitness.

Majestic Youth Sports Center now has Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes, a great place for kids to get active, build self-confidence, and learn important life skills. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches discipline, respect, and focus, and can help kids develop a growth mindset and improve their physical fitness.

Ready to join Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

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What is martial arts?

Martial Arts has a wide range of combat-based sports and activities. It includes disciplines like karate, taekwondo, judo, and more. Martial Arts involves the use of various techniques, such as punches, kicks, and throws, to defend oneself or defeat an opponent in a supervised setting.

What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a martial art that focuses on ground fighting and submission holds. It was developed in Brazil in the early 20th century by the Gracie family, who modified traditional Japanese judo techniques to create a more effective self-defense system. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu emphasizes technique over strength and size, and students can train with coaches / students of all sizes and skill levels.

What are the benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for kids:

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can offer a variety of benefits for kids, both physical and mental. Here are just a few:

  • Improved fitness: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is great for kids to get active and improve their physical fitness.

  • Increased self-confidence: Jiu Jitsu can help kids build confidence by giving them a sense of accomplishment as they learn new skills and techniques.

  • Improved focus and concentration: Martial Arts and Jiu Jitsu requires focus which can help kids develop these important skills.

  • Developed discipline and respect: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are known for their strict codes of conduct, which can help kids learn respect.

  • Enhanced problem-solving skills: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu requires students to think critically and come up with creative solutions to problems.

What to wear at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the gi is the traditional uniform worn for training and competition. A good gi is one that meets the requirements for competition, fits well, and is comfortable to wear. Here are some characteristics of a good gi.

  • Meets competition requirements: A gi that is approved for competition must meet certain standards, such as the weight and thickness of the fabric, the size of the sleeves and pant legs, and the length of the jacket. It's important to check the rules of the organization you'll be competing in to ensure your gi meets their requirements.

  • Fits well: A good gi that fits well will feel comfortable and allow you to move freely. Pay attention to the size and cut of the gi to ensure it fits your body well.

  • Comfortable to wear: Gis that is made from high-quality, durable fabric and is well constructed will be more comfortable to wear. Look for gis that are made from breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics to help you stay cool and dry during training.

  • Durable: A good gi should be able to withstand the rigors of training and competition. Look for gis that are made from sturdy, high-quality materials and are well-constructed to ensure they last.


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